Russia signed a contract with Ministry of Defence of Laos for repair of military helicopters

Russian Helicopters, part of State Corporation Rostec, signed a contract with Ministry of Defence of Laos for repair of military helicopters.

Under the contract, the holding company specialists carry out repairs of helicopters for four years, among them – two Mi-17-1B and two Mi-17. This Mi-17 helicopters during the repair will be upgraded to Mi-17-1B.

According to the Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade (Russia), Army of Laos nearly 100% equipped with Soviet weapons and military equipment, most of the samples that were produced in 1950-1970.


The contract to supply 12 multi-role Mi-17 helicopters was signed with Laos in 1996. In 1997, two helicopters were delivered, the remaining 10 helos – two years later.

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About author:

Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov is the editor-in-chief of Defence Blog. He is a journalist, an accredited defense advisor, and a consultant. His background as a defense advisor and consultant adds a unique perspective to his journalistic endeavors, ensuring that his reporting is well-informed and authoritative. read more



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