Iveco LMV light armoured vehicle has been selected by the Brazilian Army

The Iveco Defence Vehicles LMV 4×4 light armoured vehicle has been selected by the Brazilian Army for lightweight wheeled multirole protected vehicle (Viatura Blindada Multitarefa – Leve de Rodas: VBMT-LR) programme.

The fleet of initial 32 vehicles will be received in 2017. Other two tranches of 77 vehicles each, will be later purchased.

Iveco’s LMV has been purchased by states including Spain, Austria, Italy, Russia, Czech Republic, Lebanon, Slovakia, Croatia, Norway, the United Kingdom, and Belgium.


The VBMT-LR programme was initiated by the Brazilian Army to acquire Armoured Car Multitasking Take Wheels (VBMT-CO) under the Projecto Estratégico do Exército-Guarani (PEE Guarani). The VBMT-LR will include a new family of wheeled armoured vehicles to reconstitute and modernise the Brazilian Army’s capabilities.

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Executive Editor

About author:

Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov is the editor-in-chief of Defence Blog. He is a journalist, an accredited defense advisor, and a consultant. His background as a defense advisor and consultant adds a unique perspective to his journalistic endeavors, ensuring that his reporting is well-informed and authoritative. read more



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