Ukraine said its forces shot down 52 Iranian-made Shahed drones that Russia used to attack military and critical infrastructure facilities in the central regions of Ukraine, and the Kyiv region in particular.
According to a statement from Ukrainian Air Force, it downed 52 of the 54 Russia-launched drones, calling it a record attack with the Iranian-made “kamikaze” drones since the start of the war.
“In total, a record number of explosive drones launched have been recorded: 54!” the Ukrainian air force said.
In Kyiv alone, more than 40 drones were downed, officials said.
This information has not been independently verified.
Authorities say two people were killed and three injured during the attack on the Ukrainian capital.
Some officials accused Russia of targeting Kyiv deliberately as residents prepared to celebrate Kyiv Day – the anniversary of the city’s foundation 1500 years ago and a popular holiday before the war.