The Chinese company unveiled a model of new special wheel vehicle to transport  CZ-11 (Chang Zheng-11) rockets.
The CZ-11, also known as LM-11 (Long March-11), is a small solid-fueled quick-reaction launch vehicle. The CZ-11 is developed by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) with the goal to provide a quick-reaction launch vehicle, which is easy to operate, cost-efficient to launch, can remain in storage for long period and reliably launch on short notice. Reportedly, the payload is about 1000 kg.
Chang Zheng is the next in a line of launch vehicles being inaugurated by the Chinese as part of the beginning of a major transition in rocket technology – switching from a toxic propellant combination to environmentally friendly propellants for medium- and heavy-lift rockets and solid propellant for light-lift vehicles.
The first vehicle out of this new line of rockets to make its debut was the Long March 6 that completed its maiden flight on Saturday, demonstrating key-pieces of the future Kerosene – Liquid Oxygen rockets.
The new special wheel vehicle will be used for used to transport CZ-11 rockets to launch Complex.