On May 18, a unique unmanned aerial vehicle was shown at the Losvido training ground in the Vitebsk region, Belarus.
At the Losvido training ground, was conducted meeting with officers-operators of the Armed Forces under the leadership of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces – Chief of the Main Operations Directorate Major-General Pavel Muraveiko.
At the time of the event was spotted the unique unmanned aerial vehicle, which is the anti-tank rocket launcher equipped with four engine as that of a conventional quadcopter.
The characteristics of the new flying anti-tank rocket launcher and the name of the manufacturer are not disclosed.
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It is worth noting that an overall appearance of anti-tank rocket launcher reminds the RPG-26 Aglen, disposable anti-tank rocket launcher developed by the Soviet Union. It fires a single-stage rocket with jack-knife fins, which unfold after launch. The rocket carries a 72.5 millimeter diameter high explosive anti-tank single shaped charge warhead capable of penetrating 440 millimeters of armour, one meter of reinforced concrete or one and a half meters of brickwork.