The eRADAR channel on Telegram, which has close links to the Ukrainian military, reported that a new-generation Russian multi-role fighter aircraft, the Su-57, is active in the skies above the Luhansk region.
It appears that the Russian Su-57 fighter jet may have been involved in the recent missile strikes on Ukrainian positions along the front line.
According to eRADAR, Russian military aviation has increasingly been utilized to conduct missile and bomb strikes on Ukrainian military positions, emphasizing the challenges faced by Ukrainian forces in the absence of Western-provided F-16s promised for their defense.
The Su-57 is a twin-engine, fifth-generation stealth fighter aircraft and represents Russia’s maiden attempt to create such a technologically advanced aircraft. The first Su-57 was delivered to the Russian military in 2020, and reports suggest that their fleet is expected to grow to approximately 22 by the end of the next year, eventually expanding to 76 by 2028.
The aircraft reportedly made its combat debut over Syria in 2018, where it was involved in operations in support of the Assad regime.
In May 2022, unconfirmed reports emerged, citing unnamed sources, suggesting that the Su-57 was used against Ukraine, launching missile strikes beyond the reach of Kyiv’s air defense systems. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu later stated in an August interview that the aircraft had performed exceptionally well. However, it’s important to note that during the conflict, the Russian military has occasionally resorted to overt manipulation and falsehoods in its statements.
In January 2023, the U.K. Ministry of Defense made a similar claim, stating that Russia has “almost certainly used” the Su-57 in its war against Ukraine. While these assertions lack irrefutable publicly available evidence, they have raised significant concerns about the potential impact of these advanced fighter aircraft on the ongoing conflict.