The Control System from North American Aerospace Defense Command positively identified and intercepted a group of two Russian Tu -95 Bear bombers flying off the coast of Alaska on Thursday.
The U.S. Air Force was forced to scramble F-22 stealth fighters to intercept the Russian aircraft in coordination with two Canadian CF-18Â fighter aircraft.
Two Russian bombers were intercepted in the Alaskan and Canadian ADIZ on Aug. 8th, according to NORAD.
After Russian Tu-95 long-range bombers entered the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone, the U.S. scrambled two F-22s supported by an E-3 Sentry, a KC-135 Stratotanker, C-130 Tanker and two Canadian CF-18 fighters to intercept them, NORAD said.
The Russian bombers remained in international airspace and at no time did the aircraft enter the United States or Canadian sovereign airspace.
NORAD employs a layered defense network of radars, satellites, and fighter aircraft to identify aircraft and determine the appropriate response. The identification and monitoring of aircraft entering a U.S. or Canadian ADIZ demonstrates how NORAD executes its aerospace warning and aerospace control missions for the United States and Canada.