The Ukrainian military said on Thursday it shot down a Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter belonging to the Russian Armed Forces.
“A Ka-52 helicopter of the Russian occupying forces was shot down by an airborne missile unit in the Zaporizhzhia region.” the report states.
Footage released by soldiers of Ukraine’s 47th Brigade also shows the burning wreckage of a Russian Ka-52 attack helicopter that was shot down by an air defense unit.
Russian military source has confirmed that Russian Ka-52 “Alligator” attack helicopter was shot down today in the area of Robotyne, Zaporizhzhia region. One crew member died.
The team of researchers at the Oryx blog, which counts Russian military equipment losses in Ukraine, stated that Russian Forces have lost at least 40 modern Ka-52 attack helicopters since the invasion began on February 24.
Russian arms export agency Rosoboronexport said that Ka-52 is a highly-maneuverable helicopter armed with a powerful armament complex and is capable to execute any combat task with high efficiency.
“Ka-52 has a high combat survivability and combat power, it can be operated round-the-clock, it has a wide range of aerial weapons and high It is the only helicopter in the world that is equipped with the Ejection & Shock absorbing System,” Rosoboronexport said on its website.