At the Yuma Proving Ground, a Modular Turreted Mortar System (MTMS) is undergoing rigorous testing based on the Army's new tracked armored vehicle, which...
At the 2024 AUSA Global Force Symposium, BAE Systems is unveiling its latest Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) prototype equipped with an unmanned turret. The showcased...
BAE Systems Land and Armaments L.P. was awarded a $754,3 million contract modification to procure Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicles for the U.S. Army, the Pentagon...
BAE Systems announced that it has successfully tested its new Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) in a Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS) configuration. The new version of...
BAE Systems features a prototype variation of the Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) with a counter-drone system at AUSA 2023. The weapon's manufacturer said that the...
BAE Systems showcased its new AMPV tracked vehicle, built on a Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle chassis, for the first time amid an international crowd...
BAE Systems has introduced the new tracked vehicle to the Eastern European market, with a notable appearance at the MSPO defense industry show in Kielce,...
The U.S. Army's Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) has been approved by the Department of Defense for full-rate production. In a statement to Defense News, a...