A group of enthusiasts, known as Fuselage Creations, has embarked on a unique initiative, turning the remnants of a destroyed Russian T-80BV main battle tank into souvenir keychains, with proceeds going toward helping the Ukrainian people and soldiers.
These keychains are engraved with images of the destroyed enemy vehicles and details about where the Russian military equipment was destroyed during the invasion of Ukraine. The project’s goal is to not only commemorate these events but also provide financial support to those affected by the conflict.
The T-80BV, a formidable main battle tank, has gained recognition and notoriety in the annals of armored warfare. This Russian war machine has a storied history that includes its service in various conflicts, including the ongoing war in Ukraine.
The T-80BV is a modification of the T-80 series, which was first introduced in the late 1970s. It is part of the line of tanks designed and manufactured by the Soviet Union and later by Russia. With a weight of around 42 tons, it boasts impressive mobility, powered by a gas turbine engine that delivers high horsepower, enabling it to reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour on roads.
Fuselage Creations is no stranger to this kind of work, as they previously crafted similar keychains from parts of Russian downed aircraft and missiles. However, repurposing tank armor proved to be a new challenge, as tank parts and armor differ significantly from the lightweight and thin surfaces of airplanes and helicopters.
It’s important to note that the raw materials for these distinctive souvenirs are sourced directly from the Ukrainian armed forces, who, over the past two years, have destroyed thousands of units of Russian heavy military vehicles and downed hundreds of aircraft and helicopters. This initiative showcases the resilience and resourcefulness of those supporting Ukraine during these challenging times.
The keychains serve as a symbol of solidarity and remembrance while also contributing to a noble cause. By recycling the remnants of war into meaningful souvenirs, they send a powerful message of support and unity to Ukraine.