Several prominent Russian Telegram channels reported on January 1 that another Mi-28 attack helicopter has been shot down, though details of the incident remain unclear.
Initial information suggests the crew of the helicopter did not survive, with speculation mounting that it may have been mistakenly targeted by Russian air defenses.
The reports highlight ongoing challenges faced by Russian forces in differentiating friendly aircraft from hostile drones. If confirmed, this would mark the second Mi-28 helicopter lost to friendly fire since the start of Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Russia has suffered the loss of approximately 15 Mi-28 helicopters during the war, according to available data. This attack helicopter, known as the “Night Hunter,” is relied upon for close air support and counter-drone missions.
The Mi-28 incident underscores the increasing complexity of air operations in contested zones, where drones and manned aircraft operate in close proximity, raising the risks of misidentification.
Russian military officials have yet to confirm the incident or provide details about the circumstances of the crash. Meanwhile, the loss adds to the mounting toll on Russia’s aviation capabilities during the ongoing conflict.