Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant KUPOL, JSC, will take part in the 9th Land, Naval and Internal homeland security Systems Exhibition DEFEXPO INDIA 2016

Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant KUPOL, JSC, will take part in the 9th Land, Naval and Internal homeland security Systems Exhibition DEFEXPO INDIA 2016.   

The 9th International Exhibition of Land and Naval weapon systems will be held at Naqueri Quitol from the 28th to the 31st March, 2016. This year the exhibition will take place in South Goa for the first time. Previously it used to be held in Delhi. The area of exhibition will be greater than 55 hectares. Geography of participants and number of exhibitors has increased considerably since its first edition in 2000

In 2014 one of the most significant events was a presentation of self-contained combat module that was a combat facility of short range surface-to-air missile system Tor-M2KM. The module was mounted on automotive chassis made by an Indian company TATA. That was the first show of the SAM system at a foreign exhibition.


This year Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant KUPOL will introduce a model of SAM system OSA-AKM1 as well as models of new generation SAM systems Tor-M2K on a wheeled chassis, Tor-M2E on a tracked chassis and modular version of SAM system Tor-M2KM on automotive chassis.

SAM system OSA is adopted by more than 15 countries, it took part in battle actions and demonstrated excellent results. In 2016 it celebrates its 45th anniversary but today it has not exhausted its potential given by designers.

At the present time serial production of the SAM system is finished but IEMP KUPOL is ready to perform refurbishment and upgrading of the systems. In the course of upgrading analogue equipment is replaced with the digital one, new algorithms and soft wear are implemented. It has improved battle capabilities of the upgraded system.

Appearance of new types of weapons and changes in tactics of battles conducting in the XXI centaury caused necessity to develop SAM system of new type.

Surface-to-Air Missile systems Tor-М2K, Tor-М2E and Tor-М2KM are the representatives of new generation of the Tor family. These systems have similar electronic radio equipment and differ in chassis only. Distinctive feature of SAM system Tor-M2KM is its unified hull enabling its mounting on any type of chassis in accordance with customer’s desire. Because of relatively low weight (less than 15 tones) the system can be transported by external sling of a heavy helicopter (MI-26T). That ensures its placement in difficult-to-reach areas and on high altitudes.

Under conditions of onrush of military technologies, tactics of battle conducting, continuous development of attack means it is required to improve continuously air defense systems including the Tor family systems. Because of that the ways of further improvement and development of defense facilities against massive attack are looked for continuously as well as trials of the systems are carried out under hard conditions.        

SAM systems of the Tor family has shown already the excellent results while operated under complicated interference situation and weather conditions as well as during operation on various reliefs.

High reliability of the Tor family system is confirmed by the results of regular firing operation and various trials. In particular, in September of 2015 successful firing was held at the firing range of MOD of RF where for the first time the combat vehicle of the system on a tracked chassis performed firing on move against a real airborne target. Today no other SAM system in the world is capable of performing the work like this.

Nowadays the SAM system of the Tor family takes the leading positions among similar foreign short-range systems.

To be acquainted with samples of the newest air defense equipment as well as to take an opinion of experts is possible between 28 and 31 of March, 2016 at exhibition stand 1.2.2A in Quitol village, South Goa, India.

For reference.

Maximum killing zone of SAMS Tor-M2KM is 10 km in altitude and 15 km in range. It ensures engagement of maneuvering airborne targets, flying at a speed of up to 700 m/s with course parameter of up to 8 km. Target acquisition radar and guidance radar, 8 ready-to-launch surface-to-air guided missiles, 2 automated work stations for combat crew, communication and control equipment, navigation system, independent power supply system, fuel range, and other equipment is comprised within one hull. By means of three special brackets the hull can be mounted on different platforms. The system is equipped with a backup, day-and-night optoelectronic system for airborne target tracking. The system is self-contained completely and has electric equipment enabling operation of the system from industrial circuit. Combat operation of SAM system Tor-M2KM is automated fully that reduces human-in-the-loop to a minimum.

Source: Press Service of the  Sadko (v.Sadko.biz)

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Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov is the editor-in-chief of Defence Blog. He is a journalist, an accredited defense advisor, and a consultant. His background as a defense advisor and consultant adds a unique perspective to his journalistic endeavors, ensuring that his reporting is well-informed and authoritative. read more



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