The Ukrainian security agency, known as the SBU, said that military-grade munitions and equipment were found inside the abandoned storage unit near Kharkiv.
On Wednesday, the SBU press release said that more than 60 main battle tank engines, spare parts for combat vehicles, and 26 air-to-air (R-73 and R-27R) missiles were found inside the storage unit in the Kharkiv region.
“The SBU exposed a secret warehouse with military-grade ammo, equipment for military vehicles worth $200 million in the Kharkiv region,” the news release says.
According to preliminary reports, the spare parts available there were intended for damaged Russian vehicles, which the invaders were going to repair at the Kharkiv’s production facilities. Thus, Russia planned to use Ukraine’s second-largest city as a “transshipment base” for a further offensive deep into the territory of Ukraine.
Also noted is that a large number of spare parts and components for armored vehicles were placed in 10 railway wagons for quick movement.
The SBU claimed that the equipment found at this storage was stolen earlier from military arsenals. And on the eve of a full-scale invasion, the owners of the warehouse were going to cooperate with the occupying forces and provide equipment for the needs of the enemy.