Sunday, June 23, 2024

Missiles & Bombs

U.S. Navy orders 4,000+ laser guided training rounds

The U.S. Department of Defense has announced on 28 January, that the U.S. Navy ordered almost 4000 Laser Guided Training Rounds BDU-59B/B. According to...

China releases video of DF-26 ballistic missile launch

Chinese state-owned news media have released showing a launch of Dong Feng-26 (DF-26) intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM). The video also was posted to...

Saudi Arabia to develop ‘microwave weapon’ using Ukrainian supplied technology

Ukrainian media claims that Saudi Arabia is developing electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons, also sometimes called a 'microwave weapon', using Ukraine's supplied technology and...

Israel targeted several Pantsir-S1 air defense system in Syria

Israel Defense Forces confirmed that it attacked several of the Syrian Armed Forces' Pantsir-S1 air defense batteries around Damascus, on 21 January. On 21 January, the Israeli...

New satellite images show Russian anti-satellite weapon systems

New commercial satellite imagery shows hidden launch areas of the Russian anti-ballistic missile and anti-satellite weapon system in the area of Plesetsk spaceport in northern...

Northrop Grumman receives $86M for support of Minuteman and Peacekeeper rocket motors

On 17 January, Northrop Grumman has announced that it awarded the contract for Minuteman and Peacekeeper rocket motor aging surveillance program. In a statement made...

Lockheed Martin receives $172M contract for Long Range Anti-Ship Missiles

The U.S. Navy And Air Force recently awarded Lockheed Martin a contract for second production lot for Long Range Anti-Ship Missiles (LRASM). Lockheed Martin announced...

Israel to receive additional AIM-9X missiles worth $9.2M

Israel has purchased Raytheon’s AIM-9X Block II tactical missiles for $9.2 million, the Israel Defense website reported. Citing a report by the U.S. Department...

MBDA demonstrates the anti-surface capabilities of the Mistral missile

European guided weapons house MBDA demonstrated the use of the Mistral missile against fast boats such as FIACs (Fast Inshore Attack Craft). ...

Russia announces development of new ship-based cruise missile with 4,500 km range

The TASS news agency reported on 8 January that new ship-based cruise missile, called the Kalibr-M, with a range of over 4,500 km is...

Saudi Arabia to begin receiving Thunder-2 ballistic missile system in 2022

The Saudi Arabia's military is expected to receive new mobile Thunder-2 short-range ballistic missile system in 2022. Saudi Arabia is in the middle of...

Lithuania to procure more NASAMS missiles

Lithuania has decided to purchase an undisclosed number of additional National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS) combat and inert missiles from Norway, according to...

Russia successfully tests new hypersonic missile system

Russia has successfully test-fired its locally designed hypersonic missile system, called Avangard. The Russian Defense Ministry has carried out tests of the hypersonic system Avangard to...

OSCE says spots 22 rocket launching systems in separatist-held parts of Donbas

The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) say they have spotted 22 multiple rocket launchers BM-21 Grads in the eastern separatist-held region of...

Russia confirms successful test of its new ship-based hypersonic missile

Russia has confirmed a successful test of a new ship-based hypersonic missile, called the Tsirkon.  Some source in Russian defense industry claims that Russia...

Lockheed Martin receives $1.8B contract for PAC-3 air-and-missile defense system

Lockheed Martin has announced that the United States and allied military forces will upgrade their missile defense capabilities under a $1.8 billion contract for Patriot  PAC-3 air-and-missile...

Russian officials confirm use of Iskander-M short-range ballistic missile in Syria

The use of new 9K720 Iskander-M mobile short-range ballistic missile system in the Syrian Civil War has been confirmed by the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov.  Russia used the Iskander-M missile system during...

Russia says it will begin tests of most advanced Sarmat ICBM in “nearest perspective”

Russia's Strategic Missile Force Commander Colonel-General Sergei Karakayev said that flight tests of the most advanced Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) will begin in "the...