Ukrainian Air Force said on Wednesday it shot down a Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter belonging to the Russian army.
“On August 24, at around 1:00 a.m., a Ka-52 helicopter of the Russian occupying forces was shot down by an airborne missile unit of the Armed Forces in the eastern direction.” the report states.
According to open-source intel tracker Oryx, Russia has lost at least 16 Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopters since Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine began on Feb. 24.
According to Russian state media, the Ka-52 Alligator reconnaissance/attack helicopter is designed to destroy tanks, armored and non-armored vehicles, manpower, rotorcraft and other enemy aircraft on the frontline and in the tactical depth, in any weather conditions and at any time. The helicopter is furnished with modern avionics while its coaxial rotor system and enhanced longitudinal control enable it to effectively maneuver and perform complex aerobatic operations.
Russian arms export agency Rosoboronexport said that Ka-52 is a highly-maneuverable helicopter armed with a powerful armament complex and is capable to execute any combat task with high efficiency.
“Ka-52 has a high combat survivability and combat power, it can be operated round-the-clock, it has a wide range of aerial weapons and high It is the only helicopter in the world that is equipped with the Ejection & Shock absorbing System,” Rosoboronexport said on its website.