The U.S. Army Next Generation Combat Vehicle Cross-Functional Team, or NGCV CFT, has announced that it has received the new Robotic Combat Vehicle in M (Medium) variant.
The NGCV CFT post states: “Robotic Combat Vehicle (M) arrived today. Forge the Future? You better believe it!”
The new RCV-Medium, commonly known as the robotic mini-tank, is developing as part of Army’s Next Generation Combat Vehicle program, which in turn part of the ‘big six’ priorities of the service that also includes long-range precision fires, Future Vertical Lift, the network, air and missile defense, and Soldier lethality.
The main goal of the RCV project – the creation of the next generation of vehicles that are not only more lethal and survivable than current combat platforms but much smaller, lighter, and more fuel-efficient.
The RCV-Medium is a light, unmanned combat vehicle that would be transportable by C-130 aircraft or a rotary wing.
The new combat vehicles will have cutting-edge features such as a remote turret for the 25 mm main gun or more lethality weapon systems, 360-degree situational awareness cameras and enhanced remote stations. The vehicle’s ability to see down steep terrain must improve to prevent the vehicle from overturning.
The new RCV will also be able to keep pace with infantry and other armored vehicles during off-road maneuver and movement on paved streets and highways.
The Army reportedly envisions employing RCVs as “scouts” and “escorts” for manned combat vehicles.