Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense reported that dozens of Chinese military aircraft have entered Taiwanese airspace Monday.
According to Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense, a total of 52 Chinese military jets flew into its air defense zone on 4 October.
The Ministry of Defense Twitter post states: “52 PLA aircraft (J-16 – 34, SU-30 – 2 Y-8 ASW -2, KJ-500 AEW&C – 2 and H-6 – 12) entered Taiwan’s southwest ADIZ on October 4, 2021.”
The defense ministry said the Chinese Air Force and Naval Aviation has flown 149 military aircraft inside Taiwan’s air defense zone, including 56 on Monday.
Also added that later, 4 J-16 fighter jets entered Taiwan’s southwest Air Defense Identification Zone, or ADIZ, on the night of October 4.
Taiwan has been complaining for more than a year about repeated missions by China’s air force near the island.
“China has been wantonly engaged in military aggression, damaging regional peace,” Taiwan Premier Su Tseng-chang told reporters on Saturday.