BAE Systems develops new countermeasure system to shield ground vehicles from missiles

BAE Systems, a global leader in electronic warfare, unveiled the new RAVEN countermeasure system designed to protect ground vehicles from anti-tank missiles.

The RAVEN is a proven directable infrared countermeasure capable of defeating anti-tank guided missiles, protecting ground vehicles and their crews, and improving mission effectiveness without the use of kinetic countermeasures.

The new laser-based RAVEN countermeasure system defeats incoming threat signals to protect ground vehicles from inbound missile attacks.


“The RAVEN Countermeasure system is part of a layered defense, and is easily tailored to any vehicle, mission, or budget,” said Ryan Edwards, business development manager for Soldier and Vehicle Electronics at BAE Systems. “Our vehicle protection systems improve crews’ situational awareness and survivability, regardless of their vehicle or the threats they face.”

The RAVEN Countermeasure system, is a rugged, reliable laser-based countermeasure capable of defeating a variety of guided missile threats. The system is lightweight, modular, and scalable, and provides armored forces with efficient vehicle protection in a small, cost-efficient package. It is specifically designed for capability growth to address future threats as they emerge.

RAVEN is compliant with the U.S. Army’s Modular Active Protection System (MAPS) program and is designed to integrate directly with threat detection and countermeasure cueing systems, including BAE Systems’ 360 Multifunction Vehicle Protection Sensor, a long-wave infrared situational awareness and warning system that serves as the eyes of the company’s integrated VPS suite. The 360 MVP Sensor can cue RAVEN to quickly and efficiently defeat threats and also provides 360-degree situational awareness for improved vehicle mobility, lethality, and integral survivability. As part of a layered vehicle defense system, RAVEN complements kinetic countermeasure systems with a virtually unlimited number of shots.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Army recommended the integration of the RAVEN Countermeasure system onto a Bradley Fighting Vehicle for the MAPS Program’s Layered Active Protection Demonstration, which took place in September 2019. The recommendation followed the Soft Kill Rodeo, a series of tests to determine which non-kinetic active protection system technology has the most potential.

BAE Systems’ integrated VPS suite builds on the company’s extensive experience developing aircraft survivability equipment. With decades of experience designing, delivering, and sustaining electronic warfare systems, the company has a deep understanding of the evolving battlespace and the solutions warfighters need to address emerging threats.

The company’s vehicle protections systems are developed at its manufacturing center of excellence in Austin, Texas.

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Executive Editor

About author:

Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov is the editor-in-chief of Defence Blog. He is a journalist, an accredited defense advisor, and a consultant. His background as a defense advisor and consultant adds a unique perspective to his journalistic endeavors, ensuring that his reporting is well-informed and authoritative. read more



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