During military exercises China has shown new ZBD04A Armed reconnaissance vehicle.
This ZBD04A vehicle is intended to provide short range air defense supporting mechanized military units even in the front-line of the battlefield.
The new ZBD04A Armed reconnaissance vehicle combines the ZBD-08 is a new Chinese infantry fighting vehicle with the new turret.
The new ZBD04A vehicles have high mobility, air defence and anti-tank capability, high survivability and protection.
As part of the press release (here) covering 40th Group Army’s trek to the “Stride 2015• Zhurihe A” Red vs Blue confrontational drill, they are head-lining a new ZBD04A reconnaissance variant vanguarding an armored recon unit ahead of the main body.
Judging by large number of ZBD04A variants currently in service, the PLA seems to be happy with this design. The original ZDB04… well not so much, only 500 copies were commissioned.