Czech company Excalibur delivered to Iraq 45 Â BMP-1 armored fighting vehicles.
The  BMP-1 armored fighting vehicles  arrived at the port of Basra and will be deployed  for Iraq armed forces.  The Czech defence company Excalibur Army delivered an unspecified number of refurbished T-72 main battle tanks (MBTs) and BMP-1 (BVP-1) infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to Iraq.
The BVP-1 is the version of the BMP-1 that was built in Czechoslovakia during the Cold War.
Cirtek added that Excalibur and the Iraqi defence ministry have agreed not to disclose the value of the contract saying only that it was worth several hundred million Czech crowns.
Apart from supplying the vehicles, Excalibur Army will also deliver complete sets of spare parts for each vehicle.