AERO and IAI offer a family of aircraft to meet the USAF OA-X program

AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s., and Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd., announced their interest in participating in the United States Air Force OA-X light attack program.

AERO’s family of light jet aircraft, which include the L-159 and the L-39NG offer the USAF a range of capabilities unmatched by any other light jet manufacturer today. Both aircraft meet or exceed the USAF OA-X requirements for mission performance and system attributes. The L-159 is a proven robust platform, which has been successfully tested and operated in NATO joint operations, USAF Red Air exercises and real combat missions with coalition partners. The proven L-159 platform is enhanced with the integration of IAI’s innovative and cutting-edge open architecture technologies. The L-39NG, the next generation of L-39, offers the USAF a unique balance of experience, operational performance, and cost efficiency available in a light jet.

Giuseppe Giordo, Aero Vodochody President & CEO said: “Our family of aircraft offer the USAF a high and low choice of aircraft upon the Air Force’s cost benefit tradeoff. Together with IAI, Aero is ready to offer the USAF a multi-mission aircraft with the best available technology today, with potential for growth tomorrow. Our two non-developmental solutions offer the American Air Force a real choice of low risk, low cost solutions, in aircraft flying with coalition partners today.”


Benjamin Cohen from Israel Aerospace Industries’ Lahav Division said: “Our cooperation with Aero Vodochody offers the USAF impressive proven performance of the L-159, with new innovative IAI systems, to provide customers with aircraft that meet their OA-X requirements. Our virtual training system for the L-39NG is truly world class.”

Light jets from Aero are operated by air forces in strategic regions for the US. L-39s operate in East Pacific, Baltic countries, Middle Europe, some African countries and other regions around the globe. It makes AERO’s light jets very easy to operate in partnership with other forces and very easy to support abroad. Both aircraft, l-39NG and L-159, are available to meet the timeframe and production tempo stated by the USAF. AERO is also able to move production, final assembly, training and logistics to the US thus creating hundreds of American jobs. AERO and IAI are now active in finding American partner for the O-AX program.

AERO is traditional producer of military light jets. The company has produced over 6,000 jet aircraft with an accumulated 13,000,000 flight hours by more than 60 military operators. In addition, 15 aerobatic teams, such as the Breitling Jet Team, utilize L-39 aircraft, because of well-earned reputation of the aircraft for reliability, dependability, and cost effectiveness, both in the air and on the ground.

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Executive Editor

About author:

Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov is the editor-in-chief of Defence Blog. He is a journalist, an accredited defense advisor, and a consultant. His background as a defense advisor and consultant adds a unique perspective to his journalistic endeavors, ensuring that his reporting is well-informed and authoritative. read more



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