XP Power: The Cutting Edge of Military Power Technology

It used to be said that an army marches on its stomach. Nowadays military forces do a lot more than just marching, and with the ever-increasing use of technology more and more of their duties rely on electricity, and this means that robust equipment for transmitting and converting power that they can rely upon in a pinch is something essential to any army.

Rugged Designs

XP Power is a notable company that meets this need for defence forces all over the world, including the British and American armed forces. What is notable is the way they employ the newest technology to make equipment ready for the harshest conditions. Anyone who has worked with technology knows how temperamental it can be, so this is a real feat of engineering.


The dangers of a military expedition means that equipment needs to be able to survive shocks, jolts, and jumps in temperature, as well as the spikes and surges of power that are likely to happen when a machine is pushed to its limits. That’s why XP Power’s specialist solutions for military and avionics are designed to be as rugged as possible as standard, and they employ a wide variety of designs to solve the specific problems defence clients are likely to encounter.

This is what has led to the creation of power converters that can operate in extreme temperatures as low as -55°C and as high as 100°C using both convection and conduction cooling, with long lifespans and compliance to military testing standards like the UK’s DEF-STAN and the US’s MIL-STD.

What’s Old is New

Iterative design is also key to the success of XP Power’s work in military applications—they are always building on their existing designs to efficiently meet the needs of their clients. A prime example of this is the MCA200, a DC-DC converter designed for use in military vehicles. The motion of the vehicle, along with gunfire, would produce a large number of shocks, while the power source was prone to surges, ripples, and spikes. By building on a design already proofed against these power issues, they were able to solve this issue more efficiently. They also have teams of engineers based around the world to work on custom solutions when needed, employing and adapting their existing products. Using the old in new ways is the soul of innovation.

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Executive Editor

About author:

Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov
Dylan Malyasov is the editor-in-chief of Defence Blog. He is a journalist, an accredited defense advisor, and a consultant. His background as a defense advisor and consultant adds a unique perspective to his journalistic endeavors, ensuring that his reporting is well-informed and authoritative. read more



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